Rip Curl New Zealand
101 Surfcoast Hwy, Torquay, Vic. 3228.
Hours: 9:00am to 5:30pm Mon-Fri E.S.T.

SearchGPS App

Facebook will not connect when signing in
This will happen if your Facebook account uses a different email address to the one you used to sign up to Rip Curl SearchGPS app. To fix this, and conn...
Wed, 10 Feb, 2021 at 12:09 PM
Facebook connect has created two accounts
This will happen if your Facebook account uses a different email to the one you used to sign up to Rip Curl SearchGPS. To fix this, and connect your ori...
Wed, 10 Feb, 2021 at 12:10 PM
How do I sync my surfs to my iPhone?
Get your stats from every wave and every session sent directly to your personal profile on the Rip Curl Search iPhone App by syncing. You must activate ...
Wed, 10 Feb, 2021 at 12:12 PM
Problem syncing one or more of your surfs
If you have seen a message "There was a problem syncing one or more of your surfs".  You have most likely recorded a very short "surf" o...
Wed, 10 Feb, 2021 at 12:13 PM
How do I enter my own location, surf spot or spot name?
To enter your own location, navigate to “EDIT YOUR SURF” to type in your own surf spot name.
Wed, 10 Feb, 2021 at 12:22 PM
The spot name is wrong, incorrect or location is wrong on the app?
Ahhh, That sucks. If the spot name is incorrect you can edit the information by following the below instructions. Navigate to “EDIT YOUR SURF” to type i...
Wed, 10 Feb, 2021 at 12:24 PM
How do I hide a surf or surf location?
You can hide a single surf or location that you don’t want your friends to know about, navigate to SURF VIEW > EDIT YOUR SURF > PRIVACY.  
Wed, 10 Feb, 2021 at 1:54 PM
How do I delete a surf?
Had a bad session? Delete it on the Search website or iPhone App by following the below instructions. Navigate to SURF VIEW > EDIT YOUR SURF > DEL...
Wed, 10 Feb, 2021 at 2:05 PM
Can I share any other parts of my surf session?
You can take screen captures from your computer or iPhone of any screen and share that via various media channels.
Wed, 10 Feb, 2021 at 1:59 PM
How do I reset my password?
To reset your password, follow the below instructions. Go to  > LOG IN.  Click “Forgot your password" You will be sent en...
Wed, 10 Feb, 2021 at 2:12 PM